Dr. Uta König von Borstel: Equitation science applied to horse welfare and breeding

By: Gyöngyi Molnár Posted: 03/09/2021

Today we interview Dr. Uta König von Borstel, who will help us better understand horses and discover the most appropriate training methods to improve horse welfare.

Surrounded by horses since she was a child, Uta’s love for them led her to pursue a career in equine science.

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Breeding and training of horses

How are horses bred and trained at Ampascachi?

Ampascachi specializes in Equestrian Tourism in Argentina. We offer visiting Argentina, riding a Peruvian Paso Horse which we breed, start and train.

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Peruvian Paso Horse III – How they move

Peruvian Paso Horse III - How they move

Horses of all breeds are able to move in the walk and gallop, but not all trot. Those who do not trot are ambling or gaited horses.

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In this article, we will discuss the different types of horse bits and how to select the right one for your horse. You will learn about the differences between snaffle and curb bits.

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