Ylvie Fros – Horse trainer in the Netherlands

By: Gyöngyi Molnár Posted: 09/10/2020

Interview with Ylvie Fros

Interview with Ylvie Fros, a horse trainer in the Netherlands. She applies scientific methods in horse education and has achieved great success with them. Today she runs her own farm to train horses.

This time, we would like you to meet a young horse trainer, Ylvie Fros, who works in the Netherlands.

Ylvie is particularly interested in "misunderstood horses." She began working with problem horses and during her master's degree, she specialized in horse behaviour.

She also devoted her time to study different riding methods and learn more about Przewalski horses in Mongolia.

Before starting her own horse farm, she worked as a teacher for horse instructors. She taught didactic communication skills and learning theories.

We invite you to read the interview to meet Ylvie and learn more about her profession.

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