Interview with FITE President, Frédéric Bouix

By: Natalia Imberti Posted: 18/03/2022

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One hundred years ago, horseback riding was the most common way to travel. This activity changed considerably when it shifted from being an essential means of transport to a sports and leisure activity.

This transformation has brought about new opportunities for the equine industry.

It has also given rise to modern concepts such as Equestrian Tourism and is causing emerging needs.

The International Federation of Equestrian Tourism (Fédération Internationale de Tourisme Équestre, FITE) was founded in the 1970s, to officially organize equestrian activities throughout the world and thus satisfy the needs of horseback riding enthusiasts.

We have interviewed Frédéric Bouix, the president of this organization, to understand FITE's mission, functions, achievements and future projects.

Frédéric Bouix

Frédéric Bouix, FITE president
Photo credit: @FFE/LK

The creation of FITE and its purpose

When and how did the idea of founding the International Federation of Equestrian Tourism come about?

Inspired by the first international equestrian tourism rally held in Nancy in 1965, Raymond Henry, the President of the National Equestrian Tourism Association for France (former CNTE, National Equestrian Tourism Committee), worked on the creation of an international organization.

Other European countries also began to develop equestrian tourism and, in 1973, a first international meeting was held in Spoleto (Italy) with the presence of 9 delegations.

Three of them, from Belgium, France and Italy met again in 1975 to create the International Federation of Equestrian Tourism (FITE), with the aim of structuring and coordinating the international development of equestrian tourism.

Horse ride

The international outreach of this organization reflects the importance of the equine industry. What are the goals and functions of the Federation?

The goal of FITE is to gather National Equestrian Tourism Organisms (NETOs) throughout the world, represent them, coordinate their actions and contribute to the development of all equestrian tourism activities.

It also aims to federate member countries around this objective of developing equestrian tourism activities, and promote horse riding itineraries on an international level.

FITE's priorities are:

  • Equestrian tourism infrastructures (routes, paths and trails, bed and breakfast, etc.).
  • Training of professional and leisure riders.
  • Equestrian tourism output.
  • International exchanges.
  • Equestrian tourism activities and competitions.
Rider on horseback

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Areas within the scope of FITE

In recent decades, what are the most important achievements of FITE in the development of equestrian tourism?

The number of FITE member countries continues to increase, a sign of its significance throughout the world.

In 2021, FITE had 26 members on 4 continents, of which 22 are part of the NETOs and 4 are associate members.

Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in 2017, the Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI) recognized FITE for its efforts to promote, regulate and organize international equestrian tourism for entertainment and competition.


  • Since 1989, the international championships of TREC (Techniques de Randonnée Équestre de Compétition) have been sponsored by FITE.
  • In 2017, the first Horseback Archery European Championships took place under the auspices of FITE.
  • In 2019, a new European circuit for Working Equitation was designed and a Junior test was added to the TREC European Championships.

Training and Professional Diploma

  • Since 2017, FITE has offered training and technical support to organizations that wish to develop equestrian tourism and its disciplines in their territory.
  • It also works on the recognition of equestrian tourism qualifications by the International Group for Equestrian Training (IGEQ).
  • In 2021, it developed a draft international regulation of the riding instructor qualifications, level 1, which is being finalized.

Development of equestrian itineraries

  • In May 2021, the European Route d’Artagnan was awarded the certificate of "European Cultural Itinerary". It bears the unique status of first-ever European equestrian route. This is the result of the efforts made by FITE, founding member of the AERA, together with fifteen public and private partners.
  • It is currently working on the creation of two quality certificates: Equestrian Tourisme Center and Horse-Friendly Lodging, which will certify equestrian structures that offer equestrian tourism activities, as well as accommodation for riders.

Representation of the interests of NETOs at international level

  • It has carried out influential actions to highlight equestrian tourism, in particular within the framework of the European Parliament resolution of 25 March 2021 on "'establishing an EU strategy for sustainable tourism".
  • It works to facilitate border crossings on horseback through the development of international agreements. Since May 2017, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have been bound by a health agreement.
  • In 2019, a new website was developed in collaboration with the French Riding Federation, where we can find all FITE's activities.
Equestrian Tourism

FITE members

Which countries are currently FITE members?

It has 25 member countries and an international organization, the IHAA.

  • Germany
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • China
  • Denmark
  • Spain
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Great Britain
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Kazakhstan
  • Luxembourg
  • Madagascar
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • USA
World map

What kind of equestrian organisations does FITE collaborate with?

FITE collaborates with the Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI), especially through a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2017, where it is recognized as an organization that manages equestrian tourism on an international level.

has collaborated with the European Horse Network (EHN) since 2015 and has been a member of this Association since 2018.

One of its strengths is its collaboration with and participation in other sectors, beyond the equestrian sector. It is a founding member of the European Network of Outdoor Sports (ENOS). And, as a member of that organization, it supports sustainable development.

It is a member of the RED-MER Association (Ruralité-Environnement Développement - Movimiento Europeo de Ruralidad), participating in the meetings of this organization.

Finally, it takes part in some expert groups of the European Commission, on issues related to equestrian tourism activities.

horse ride

There are several countries with an extraordinary equestrian culture, but they have not yet been included in the Federation, as is the case of South American countries. What requirements do they have to meet to become members?

According to the MOU signed with FEI in 2017, FITE should encourage the membership of national equestrian federations.

The NETOs (national equestrian tourism organisms) that subscribe to the objectives and values and accept the obligations contained in the statutes, the general regulations and the special regulations may join the FITE.

NETOs must have a national scope, in geographical terms, and look after all different tendencies and forms of equestrian tourism. They must have an independent organisation in terms of both administration and finance.

The FITE will only accept one NETO per country as a member.

However, FITE could accept membership of another organisation when no NETO is in the country concerned. It will have the provisional status of «'associate member».

When no NETO has been established in the country concerned, FITE may accept the membership of another organization. This membership will immediately terminate once a NETO would be in the country concerned.

As an associate member, each organization may participate in the General Assembly of the FITE and meetings to which it will be invited but have not the right to vote.

Horse riding activities

How do you promote the integration of new countries?

FITE is positioned as the main player in equestrian tourism and attracts new countries through the following actions:

  • Prospecting activities.
  • By "word of mouth" of the NETOs’ "ambassadors".
  • The promotion of its actions (internal website, social networks, newsletter).
  • Participation in congresses.
  • The reception of delegations and participation in international organizations.
Horseback ride

Training in Equestrian Tourism

What is the current situation of training in equestrian tourism?

The FITE Equestrian Tourism Commission is currently working on a draft regulation of equestrian guide training, corresponding to IGEQ’s level 1.

The objective of this project is to provide a basis for countries, which do not have a recognized degree or that are in the middle of a structuring process, to qualify their professionals and organize training courses.

This method can be adapted to the situation in each country.

This first level is meant to help the NETOs in their development of equestrian tourism and is not intended to replace other diplomas in countries that already offer them.

In addition, the objective of this document is to reference a common minimum qualification, based on the IGEQ criteria, so that each country can easily have its diplomas recognized by the IGEQ.

FITE also offers training for international Working Equitation and TREC judges, as well as PTV and POR track managers.

Working Equitation

Photo credit: @FFE/L'image du jour - Working Equitation

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The development of Equestrian Tourism

What aspects should be promoted for the development of Equestrian Tourism?

FITE encourages the creation of and access to adapted itineraries, in which there are infrastructures, accommodations and quality accommodations equipped for riders and their companions on the trail.

The number of establishments offering quality equestrian tourism services remains low. Hence the work currently being done by FITE on quality certificates.

What strategies does FITE use to promote Equestrian Tourism and make it accessible to a greater number of people?

Since the FITE is a federation of federations, it promotes and supports national organisms so that in each of the countries equestrian tourism is promoted and developed. The greatest effort is made by the NETOs themselves.

It promotes the activities of its members. It values and communicates their manifestations and also supports outdoor riding competitions.

It helps members, when they request it, through a FITE technical delegate and develops tools accessible to each member (label, diploma).

Finally, it represents the interests of the sector at an international level with the participation in European and international instances.

What difficulties do countries face in enhancing equestrian tourism activities?

One of the greatest difficulties is the institutional structuring of Equestrian Tourism in some countries, which is sometimes scarce or null in sports institutions.

Horseback riding holidays

Technology in Equestrian Tourism

What technological tools do you use to manage and promote equestrian routes?

In France, the Geocheval site lists equestrian routes that respond to a quality proposal.

Launched in 2017, GeoCheval, is the result of several years of work on the GIS (Geographic Information System) approach of the FFE. Its purpose is to homogenize the information for each itinerary throughout the territory and to enhance the value of equestrian itineraries. It is constantly evolving to adapt to the needs of its users.

There is also a Premium version of GeoCheval, reserved exclusively for FFE graduates and adherents, which offers a wider range of itineraries and tools.

Riders can also find information about the establishments certified by the FFE on their way, information about signposting, the map is equipped with points of equestrian and tourist interest, and also warns the surveillance points about the routes.

Mobile applications

Equestrian sports

What equestrian sports disciplines does FITE promote?

Since the 2017 MOU was signed, FEI has recognized FITE as the only international association responsible for the regulation and organisation of the following equestrian tourism competitions:

  • TREC and Driving TREC.
  • Working Equitation.
  • Other fun disciplines, such as Horseback Archery or Skijoring.


What has the organization achieved in the different outdoor riding disciplines?


Since 2016, there has been a European Championship that takes place every year for Junior and Senior riders. In September 2021, despite the health context, we had great European Championships held in Pouget, France, in Germany, in Italy and in the Netherlands with full teams of Young and Senior riders.

There was a record-breaking number of participants in these championships – 43 participants, of which 21 young riders and 22 Senior. This shows a growing interest in the disciplines managed by FITE.

Working equitation

Photo Credits: @FFE/L'image du jour - Working equitation

TREC (Competitive Trail Riding)

The European TREC Championships have been held since 2016, with an annual presentation for Young riders and every two years for Senior riders. The World Championships are also held every 2 years. A European Cup circuit has been held annually since 2012.

In 2017, the first European Horseback Archery Championships took place.

Since 2020, Skijoring has been regulated by FITE.

Competitive Trail Riding

Photo credits:@FFE/LK – TREC, FITE

How have outdoor riding disciplines been promoted?

FITE supports competition organisers in their disciplines. It also uses its website, social networks and newsletter, and its sporting events and those of its members for promotion.

Finally, FITE is also in charge of training competition officials. This training is essential for the proper development and promotion of competitions.

Equestrian Sports

Photo credits:@FFE/LK – TREC, FITE

Future projects

What are FITE’s future projects regarding Equestrian Tourism?

FITE wishes to expand its qualification offer on equestrian tourism through its equestrian guide diploma, for those countries that do not have a training system. After level 1, it plans to add levels 2 and 3.

In 2022, an International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism will be held. It will gather FITE members and other organizations from this sector.

New equestrian routes of the Council of Europe will also be developed after their certification, such as the «Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe», of the European Route d'Artagnan.

Horseback riding at sunset

What projects are being developed to improve equestrian tourism infrastructures throughout the world?

As I have already mentioned, FITE is working on certificates that it hopes to launch soon, in order to develop the necessary infrastructures for equestrian routes.

Work is also under way to develop a guide to good equestrian signage practices, for countries that do not have a reference system on this subject.

Thank you for the interview

We would like to thank Frédéric Bouix for accepting this interview where he has informed us about all aspects and activities related to FITE.

We hope that FITE will achieve all its goals to help improve the quality of Equestrian Tourism.

At Ampascachi, we will continue to actively promote equestrian tourism through our Horse training school and our riding holiday programs.

/ Photos: @FFE/LK, @FFE/L'image du jour /

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