The ideal breed for horse riding holidays
By: Nestor Imberti Posted: 24/10/2017
We present you the best horse for equestrian tourism
A horse for equestrian tourism must not only be suitable for trail riding tours, but also have smooth gaits and be comfortable to ride.
Peruvian Paso horses meet these conditions.
All riders may agree that the best horse for riding holidays is the one that you know best, that you ride regularly and that has become your inseparable partner.
But it may occur that the own horse, within a group of horses, is not the best horse for your riding holidays.

Properties of a horse for riding holidays
Tour operators that offer horse riding holidays need horses that have been educated and trained for this purpose, they must be easy to steer, they should not move their neck up and down, they have to be able to maintain the indicated speed and rhythm and their position within the horse group as determined by the guide.
Another aspect to have in mind is the age of the horse. We think that very young horses (up to six years) are not suitable as this bears certain risks. They are mentally not mature enough and physically not fully grown to resist tours of six to eight hours. It would be detrimental to the horse’s health and affect negatively the group dynamic of the horses.
All the mentioned conditions are given by a correct education and training of the horses.
Briefly, horses for riding holidays need to be trained sufficiently, their gait should be smooth and comfortable, they must have a lot of energy, resistance and great advance to get to many places in a short time but with little effort. During a riding holiday, you ride many hours a day, for that reason it is fundamental to take care of the physical well-being of both the rider and the horse.
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The ideal horse breed for riding holidays: Peruvian Paso horses
We think that the ideal horse breed for equestrian tourism is the Peruvian Paso horse, as they fulfil all the conditions mentioned above. They have “brio”, their energetic and dynamic personality combined with a smooth temper, they are horses willing to perform tirelessly and in the service of its rider.
Riding in nature on a Peruvian Paso is fantastic. Their specific gait, the paso llano, is very smooth as the rider does hardly move on the horseback and sits comfortable while observing the surrounding landscapes. It is a resistant, energetic and powerful horse and these properties make long trail rides an extraordinary experience for the rider.
All these breed specific characteristics make the Peruvian Pasos the best horses for riding holidays.
But apart from the mentioned conditions that a horse must fulfil, it is essential that every rider finds the right horse, the personalities of both must match to make the riding holidays a pleasant time.
At Ampascachi, right at the beginning our guests have the opportunity to ride on different horses and together with the guides they choose the one they feel most comfortable on.
It is of utmost importance that the rider feels save and confident on a horse so both will enjoy the trails during the riding holidays.
Are you interested in knowing how to train horses?
Download our free eBook Horse training step by step. When you see how your horse learns and begins to understand your signs and aids, you will be filled with joy.

Gaited Horses: Horses with a "Special Gait"
The basic gaits of most horse breeds are the walk, the trot and the canter or gallop. But other breeds have a special ambling gait which is more comfortable to ride than the trot.

A Tour through Salta, “the Pretty”, North Argentina
Salta, with its nickname “the Pretty”, is one of the most appreciated destinations for national and international tourists.

Tips for your horse riding holidays
What you should have in mind when planning your riding holidays: tips for your luggage and equipment, which precautions to take, travelling in group and accommodation.
Planning your horse riding holidays?
Join the Ampascachi Community. You will get exclusive advantages and guidance for your next horse riding holiday.